Frequently asked questions a good source of knowledge

Thousands of pre-asked articles to get your queries answered.


We are continously getting queries from our clients & have sorted by type of questions . we have answered the frequently asked questions . you can contact us at anytime if you think your question is not available in FAQS.

Frequently asked questions a good source of knowledge

Yes we are currently reviewing our payment methods. Currently we adopt Limited but fast payment gateway in our system. Our Payment Methods are safe and secure platform for both parties.

LifeTimeSMS provides a platform for one to focus and streamline their tasks and provide better mobile campaigns or notices. We provide feedback and logging systems to allow you to track your past records and campaigns. There are also auto-responders and different modes of messaging to suit your various needs. Start a free account today!

Simple. Sign up and register for an account.You must have a valid mobile phone number.

No. Pay only when you think you are suited to use. We provide 5 free credits for any new account. After you have done your evaluation on the system, you can top-up your credits with us. We do not charge high setup costs like other providers, not to mention monthly charges. We are a believer of Pay-As-You-Use .

Your Credit expiry depends on purchased Package. We also have many Packages Having unlimited expiry

Yes you do. If there is a long campaign you wish to send out or a long contact list, simply go through the process and send. Once the send job has been received on our system, it will be processed on our server connection from then own. This portion on will not require Internet connection.

Try the following steps first to ensure best viewing. Update your browsers to the latest versions (we support Chrome v4 and above,Firefox v2 and above,Internet Explorer 7.0 and above). Best viewing display resolutions is from 1024*800 onwards. We constantly test our application with growing technology. If there any issues do not hesitate to contact us.

LifeTimeSMS provides a tagger to your message. For more information on the Spam Control Act you can read it up on.About and Spam Act

1 credit = 1 SMS(160 chars).

Yes we do support other languages. However do note in an SMS different languages count it differently. Therefore like Traditional Chinese each Chinese character counts as 2chars. So an SMS with 70 Chinese characters constitute a 140char count which is 1 SMS .

Yes of course!. All you need is a stable internet connection.

Sender ID appears in the "From" of the SMS message. You can define up to 11 alpha numeric characters like (LifeTimeSMS).

Yes, we can manage the campaigns for you. You can send us the mobiles and messages to broadcast and our managers will do it for a small charge.

LifeTimeSMS allows you to define your Sender ID and send SMS with a few times faster than USB based devices.. Everything is web!

Yes you can! you use our services for personalised sms .

We currently support Pakistan only. See Our Coverages

Simplifying the global complexity of communication

Our Clients

Zindgi PVT LTD Travel Port international Travel Egency Shell Oil Company ProQuest Medical Company Gets Pharma Hobotech Electronics Lipton Tea Dawat Hotel Allied School System xpress Post Al-shifa Hospital Disney Gujrawala Creative Cube Medical PANWORLD Medical Chanan school system Future Scientific Society SMT School and College BMS ISO certification in Karachi MDC Medical diagnostic center LAB Mattanys Restorent Comsats College NgTech Best Colsultantas NACSIT College Online store of Hands bags Dar-Arqam-School PizzaOne Karachi Food GEHF Housing society of GEPCO IVYFABRICS Flah Trust First Aid Medical Complex Uniquechk shopping mall Al-muzamal JOBS MediaMount Polio Heath Worker Doctors Hospital Lahore Niazi Express Bus Service MGFA Builty Needles Online jewlery Store Hajisons Agricultural Firm Wormwhole Online software house Allied School Royal Group of Industry Milange Shopping Mall Moon Heath Care Center Savour Foods . Food in Karachi Mirchawala School college and accademy AS Projects DeliveryTen Food Delivery GonPacci Resturent A AM Power . Parts of Auto bikes Arain Cargo Trustline Travel Agency